Elon Musk Confirms Removal Of Context For Links In X Posts

How will X's plan to eliminate headlines from shared links in posts affect content marketers and publishers? Explore the implications in this article.

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According to information obtained by Fortune and confirmed by Elon Musk, X plans to remove headlines and descriptions generated when you share a link in a post.

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Future X posts with links are reported to display an image without added text, providing no context except for a URL overlay.

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Clicking on the image will direct users to the full article on the publisher’s site.

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The change, confirmed by Musk, is primarily designed to shrink the height of tweets to fit more posts on screen.

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The Twitter Cards format, which includes an image, headline, and a brief article description, adds context to links shared on the platform when tweets were limited to 140 characters.

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Content publishers could rely on tools, such as third-party WordPress plugins, to customize the information appearing on social media when readers share an article link.

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