Google Completes Rollout Of August 2023 Core Update
Find out what next steps website owners should take now the Google Search August 2023 core update is complete.
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Google Search Central announced the completion of the August 2023 core update.
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According to the Google Search Status Dashboard, the latest core update took 16 days and three hours to roll out fully.
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2023 Google Search Updates Core updates aim to refine Google’s search algorithms to provide more helpful and reliable search results.
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While the last core update was in March 2023, Google also pushed product review updates in February and April.
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Coincidentally, a few days after the launch of the August core update, Google updated its Search Central documentation to include that it indexes CSV files.
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Next Steps For Website Owners Google stressed that pages impacted by core updates aren’t necessarily flawed. The algorithmic updates focus on improving the system’s overall content assessment.