Google Enhances Bard’s Reasoning Skills

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Google's Bard language model enhances reasoning abilities and adds Google Sheets export functionality.

Google’s language model, Bard, is receiving a significant update today that aims to improve its logic and reasoning capabilities.

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Jack Krawczyk, the Product Lead for Bard, and Amarnag Subramanya, the Vice President of Engineering for Bard, announced in a blog post.

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These updates aim to improve Bard’s ability to tackle mathematical tasks, answer coding questions, and handle string manipulation prompts.

A Leap Forward In Reasoning & Math

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To achieve this, the developers incorporate “implicit code execution.” This new method allows Bard to detect computational prompts and run code in the background, enabling it to respond more accurately to complex tasks.

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“As a result, it can respond more accurately to mathematical tasks, coding questions and string manipulation prompts,” the Google team shared in the announcement.

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The approach used in the update takes inspiration from the well-studied dichotomy in human intelligence, as covered in Daniel Kahneman’s book, “Thinking, Fast and Slow.”

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