Google Offers Publishers Control Over Bard, Vertex AI Access

Find out how to use Google-Extended to control Google's Bard, Vertex AI generative APIs, and future AI model's access to content.

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In light of the swiftly evolving landscape of generative artificial intelligence (AI), Google has strived to foster a balanced ecosystem for both web publishers and AI advancements.

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The tech giant announced Google-Extended, a control mechanism for web publishers to determine if or how their sites contribute to enhancing Google Bard, Vertex AI generative APIs, and future AI models.

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The initiative appears to be grounded in the ethos of responsible AI development, resonating with Google’s established AI principles and consumer privacy commitment.

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What Is Google-Extended? Google-Extended is a “standalone product token that web publishers can use to manage whether their sites help improve Bard and Vertex AI generative APIs” and the AI models that power them.

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While Google-Extended has no separate HTTP request user agent string, the crawling is executed with the existing Google user agent strings, deploying the robots.txt user-agent token in a control capacity.

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This is an example of what to include in your robots.txt file: User-agent: Google-Extended Disallow: /paywall-content/ Allow: /

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In this example: – User-agent: Google-Extended specifies that the following rules apply to Google-Extended. – Disallow: /paywall-content/ instructs Google-Extended not to access or use the content in the “paywall-content” directory to improve Bard and Vertex AI generative APIs.

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