Google Research: Is This Dataset Used For Google’s AI Search?

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Research paper details a new kind of dataset for open-ended dialogue similar to Google's AI Search Generative Experience

Google published a research paper on a new kind of dataset for training a language model to retrieve sentences that exactly answer a question within an open-ended dialogue.

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We don’t know if Google is using this dataset. But researchers claim it outperforms models trained on other datasets.

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Many research papers, like the one published for LaMDA don’t mention specific contexts of how it could be used.

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This research paper states the problem they are solving is how to create a dataset for training a machine for an open-ended dialogue by selecting a sentence from a webpage.

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What makes this research paper of interest is that the researchers conclude that it could be used for factually grounding generative AI output, like what is seen in Google’s new Search Generative Experience.

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Given that the research paper was presented at an Information Retrieval conference (Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development), it’s fairly safe to guess that this algorithm is related to information retrieval, which means search.

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