Google Updates PageSpeed Insights With Lighthouse 11

Google PageSpeed Insights is updated with new features from Lighthouse 11

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Google has updated PageSpeed Insights with a new version of Lighthouse. The new version contains new audits, bug fixes and changes to scoring.

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Lighthouse 11 Lighthouse is an open source measurement tool that helps debug website performance issues.

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It’s also the technology that powers PageSpeed Insights and other tools that measure core web vitals.

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Google released the latest version, Lighthouse 11, on Monday, August 28th.

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Changes To Lighthouse 11/PageSpeed Insights There are many changes introduced.

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The following changes and additions are notable: – New accessibility audits – Changes to how best practices are scored – Largest Contentful Paint scoring bug fixed – Updated Interaction to Next Paint (INP) to reflect it’s no longer experimental – Multiple miscellaneous bug fixes

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