Hugging Face Receives $235M Investment Raising Value To 4.5B

Learn more about how the latest round of investments from big tech companies into Hugging Face could shape open-source AI development.

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Salesforce took the lead in a $235 million financing round for Hugging Face, raising its valuation to $4.5 billion.

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The financing round was also joined by technology giants, including Google, Amazon, Nvidia, Intel, AMD, and IBM.

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The capital infusion will fuel Hugging Face’s team growth and open-source AI collaboration, CEO Clement Delangue shared with Venture Beat.

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Founded in 2016, Hugging Face is home to hundreds of thousands of AI models from Amazon, Google, Meta, Microsoft. and others.

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Futurom Group analyst Todd Weiss noted that large enterprises’ interest in AI startups like Hugging Face is an ongoing trend.

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Investment rounds like this are logical, given the cost of AI development and the growing demand in the space.

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