LinkedIn Improves Search Results For Posts

LinkedIn is overhauling its search architecture for posts, which will lead to faster and more relevant results.

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A series of improvements to LinkedIn’s search system for posts will allow it to deliver faster and more relevant results within a simplified user interface.

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LinkedIn details the journey of developing new system architecture while explaining the complexity of its old system.

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Search results for posts were previously served by two indexes – one for posts in LinkedIn’s main feed and one for articles.

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The complex nature made it difficult to build upon, so LinkedIn decided to decouple the two indexes. LinkedIn reveals the entire process in excruciating detail in a new blog post.

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Here it is summed up in a diagram: Much of the information LinkedIn shared is geared toward software engineers. In this post, I’ll skip over the technical details and explain what the changes mean for regular users on LinkedIn.

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To make search results more relevant, LinkedIn set out to create a system that considers the following aspects: – Relevance of the post to a query – Quality of the post – Personalization – User intent – Engagement – Freshness/recency

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LinkedIn Post Search Delivers Faster, More Relevant Results