LinkedIn: Top 25 Fastest Growing Jobs

LinkedIn data reveals the top 25 fastest-growing jobs and the most critical skills needed for each position.

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LinkedIn has published a report on the fastest-growing jobs worldwide, with individual lists broken down by country.

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The report analyzes LinkedIn’s internal data and identifies jobs that have seen the most growth in postings and hiring activity over the past five years.

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LinkedIn’s “Jobs on the Rise” report compiles data from 28 countries to determine the positions that have seen the most significant growth from January 1, 2018, to July 31, 2022, across regions including the Americas, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.

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This article summarizes the top job growth trends globally, along with a full list of the top 25 jobs in the United States.

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According to LinkedIn’s report, even with job cuts in the technology industry, tech positions remain among the fastest-growing, and core business functions are still highly sought.

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Worldwide Job Growth Trends

The report shows that tech continues to be the most rapidly expanding field, and in every country included in the report, tech roles are among the top 10 fastest-growing positions.

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