Optimizing News Sites Using Google Search Console Reports
Google's Daniel Waisberg and Cherry Prommawin explain how news sites can optimize performance and engagement using Search Console reports.
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In a new video tutorial, Google Search Advocates Daniel Waisberg and Cherry Prommawin explain how to leverage Google Search Console’s reports for managing and optimizing news websites.
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The video provides comprehensive information about using Search Console data to achieve greater success on Google’s platforms.
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Waisberg begins by discussing the importance of Search Console Performance Reports, highlighting three key reports: Search, Discover, and News.
Performance Report: The Key To Analyzing Search Presence
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Each report offers distinct data sets to review your site’s performance.
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“The best way to analyze your search presence is through the Search Console Performance Reports,” Wasiberg explains.
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Search Console allows you to view data for the News tab and the main Google Search results. You can filter data to check the performance on various tabs in Google Search, including Web, Image, Video, and News.