Twitter Cuts Off Access To Third-Party Apps

Twitter appears to have blocked access to third-party apps, a decision that has sparked criticism across the tech and developer communities.

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In a move sparking controversy across tech and developer communities, Twitter appears to have cut off access to third-party apps like Twitterrific and Tweetbot.

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By cutting off access to its API, Twitter limits developers’ ability to offer alternative ways to access the platform.

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This change could impact those who depend on third-party apps for their daily Twitter content.

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While it’s unclear why Twitter is making such drastic changes to its API access policy, a report from The Information suggests it’s no accident.

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While no official communication has been provided to developers or users, many speculate the decision to restrict API access is motivated by a desire to increase revenue.

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Third-party apps drive less ad revenue for Twitter. Forcing people to use the official Twitter app can increase ad impressions and make it a more attractive platform for advertisers.

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