WhatsApp Introduces Three New Security Features on Android and iOS: All Details
The new features provide WhatsApp users with additional privacy.
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WhatsApp has introduced a number of new security features designed to make it harder to take over other people's accounts.
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The features extend the app's focus on privacy and security, which has claimed that online chats and discussions are supposed to be as private and safe as in-person conversations.
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Many of the innovations relevant to that objective have centred on message security, such as introducing end-to-end encryption to chats.
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The new functionalities claim to make the app more secure for users.
In a blog post on Thursday, WhatsApp announced that they are rolling out three new security features for all users, across Android and iOS devices.
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When individuals migrate an account from an old to a new device, for example, a new tool called 'Account Protect' will be initiated.
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Users might see an alert on their previous handset asking them to confirm that they are indeed transitioning away from it; receiving this kind of alert without notice may indicate that someone is trying to access your account without your knowledge.