Guidelines for Submitting The News
- The News Must be Latest.
- The news article must be unique. Use Copyscape or other tools to check plagiarism.
- We do not accept AI-written content or content Generated by ChatGPT.
- The Word Count must be from 400 words to 1000 words.
- Add a good featured image along with the supporting like for the content.
- You are allowed to add threads from Instagram, Twitter, and appropriate sources/links or a video to the news.
- Do not add more than two links. (first two links will be kept and the rest will be deleted from the post). And also the links in the News will be Nofollow.
- And Also make sure, The News that is already published on our website, similar kinds of posts will not be accepted.
- The News must not be promotional in any way.
- Please update your Profile before submitting the article. Update your author bio as well as the author’s Image (News without an author image and author bio will not be approved).