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Online Tools

Sunset in the mountains

Copyscape is your go-to tool for real-time plagiarism detection online. Scan the web effortlessly to safeguard your website content and ensure the originality of what...

Sunset in the mountains

WhiteSmoke – your English language proofreading companion. Enjoy the added perk of a built-in plagiarism checker. Elevate your writing effortlessly.

Sunset in the mountains

Dustball is the ultimate user-friendly online plagiarism checker. With its simple layout, it's the go-to tool for easy navigation. Detecting common plagiarism types, from direct...

Sunset in the mountains

Turnitin is a plagiarism detection service that guides students on proper citation and referencing techniques. Its key roles include checking and preventing plagiarism.

Sunset in the mountains

Quetext is an online plagiarism detection tool powered by natural language processing and DeepSearch algorithms. Uncover plagiarism effortlessly in your written content.

Free Paid
Sunset in the mountains
Corrector App

The Corrector App tool can help you check Palgrism, Check punctuation, and grammar and lastly, it can help you detect AI content.

Sunset in the mountains

The Writer tools help you to detect up to 1500 Characters in one go. You can check if the content is written by a Robot...

Freemium Paid
Sunset in the mountains
Copy Leaks

An Ai content detector with API, and LMS integration system. And can also be used with the Chrome extensions for quick access. You will also...

Freemium Paid