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Online Tools

Sunset in the mountains

Glasp is a social web highlighter that allows users to organise and highlight phrases and ideas from the internet as well as access the knowledge...

Sunset in the mountains
Rewind AI

Everything you've seen, listened to, or used a MacOS program for is being recorded and made searchable by Rewind AI.

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Sunset in the mountains

While you explore the web, Heyday, an AI-powered memory helper, brings up information you may have forgotten.  

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Sunset in the mountains
Sana Labs

Sana's AI-powered learning platform enables cutting-edge businesses to exchange information, learn quickly, automate administrative tasks, and work 10x faster.

Sunset in the mountains
Reflect AI

Reflect is an advanced note-taking application that utilizes state-of-the-art GPT-4 technology to assist knowledgeable users in efficiently organizing their ideas, books, and meetings. This user-friendly...

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Sunset in the mountains

In today's fast-paced work environment, AI plays a vital role in managing team collaboration, project tracking, note-taking, and knowledge management. By leveraging advanced algorithms and...

Freemium Paid
Sunset in the mountains

Introducing a novel Chrome Extension that harnesses the power of AI to curate flashcards, complete with question and answer sets, for any given article or...
