From OpenAI, ChatGPT Enterprise is Now Accessible

From OpenAI, ChatGPT Enterprise is Now Accessible

In order to offer strong security, privacy, and a variety of cutting-edge functions, OpenAI has introduced ChatGPT Enterprise, a high-level solution. With special customization for each organization, this new solution aspires to be a crucial assistant for many parts of work.

Most Fortune 500 businesses utilize ChatGPT

Having entered more than 80% of Fortune 500 firms since its launch at the end of 2022, ChatGPT has experienced a tornado of adoption.

This figure was generated by OpenAI using registered ChatGPT accounts connected to Fortune 500 company email domains.

This astounding penetration rate demonstrates the product’s attraction and the urgent demand for AI-based solutions in the corporate realm.

Enhanced Security And Performance With ChatGPT Enterprise

With SOC 2 certification and encrypted communications, ChatGPT Enterprise takes data security very seriously. The new admin portal provides domain verification, and single sign-on (SSO). And analytics dashboards, all of which are designed to make large-scale installations easier.

Performance-wise, the new ChatGPT for businesses version provides limitless access to high-speed GPT-4 with a four-times longer input length. Users of ChatGPT Plus, in contrast, are currently limited to 50 messages every three hours.

In addition to the 50 message restriction for Plus users. ChatGPT Enterprise offers unrestricted access to Advanced Data Analysis with Code Interpreter.

Beyond the security and speed improvements, enterprise users can use free API credits. For custom applications and share chat templates among themselves.

Early Adopters with Different Uses

Well-known business and marketing tools like Asana, Canva, and Zapier are among the early adopters of ChatGPT Enterprise.

These businesses used ChatGPT Enterprise to boost productivity by improving internal communications, speeding up coding jobs, cutting down on research time, and doing in-depth business analytics swiftly.

According to Jorge Zuniga, Head of Data Systems and Integrations at Asana, it has accelerated testing hypotheses and enhanced our internal systems.


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Aditi Kumari

Aditi Kumari

I am a blogger. And loves to write about tech, blogging and SEO.

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