How Googlebot Handles Content Produced by AI?

How did Google’s Martin Splitt respond to inquiries regarding how the increase in content produced by AI was impacting Googlebot’s crawling and...

How Googlebot Handles Content Produced by AI?

How did Google’s Martin Splitt respond to inquiries regarding how the increase in content produced by AI was impacting Googlebot’s crawling and rendering?

Martin’s response shed light on the handling of AI-generated content by Google as well as the significance of quality control.

Webpage Rendering via Googlebot

By downloading the HTML, pictures, CSS, and JavaScript, and then assembling them into a webpage, the process of producing a webpage in a browser is known as “webpage rendering.”

The HTML, pictures, CSS, and JavaScript files are also downloaded by Google’s crawler, Googlebot, in order to render the webpage.

Google’s Approach to AI-Generated Content

The webinar by Duda dubbed Exploring the Art of Rendering with Google’s Martin Splitt provided the context for Martin’s remarks.

The subject of whether the abundance of AI content affected Google’s capacity to render pages at the time of crawling was posed by a member of the audience.

Martin gave an explanation, but he also supplied details on how Google determines whether a webpage is of low quality at the time of crawling, and what Google does after making a decision.

AI Is Concerned With Quality Detection

Martin Splitt omitted any mention of Google using AI detection in the text. He claimed that Quality Detection was applied at several levels by Google.

Not looking for low-quality machine-generated content was not the algorithm’s goal. But they found that the algorithm had already found it.

Much of this algorithm is in line with what Google said about the mechanism. It has in place to recognize helpful information that has been created by humans. But he didn’t simply mention human-written content once. He made three mentions of it in his post announcing the Helpful Content scheme.


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Written by Robin Khokhar
Robin Khokhar is an SEO specialist who mostly writes on SEO. Thus sharing tips and tricks related to SEO, WordPress, blogging, and digital marketing, and related topics.
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