11 Tips You Should Use To Dominate Google Local Searches

Dominate Google Local Searches

Dominate Google Local Searches is an integral part of any Search Engine Optimisation strategy as it will improve your search engine rankings and increase your visibility in local searches.

80% of consumers use the internet to find local businesses and information, and 50% of those visit a store within a day of their local search.

With some effort and determination, you can dominate local Google searches that will provide your website with a steady stream of traffic and inquiries to your business.

In this post you will find the following:

Opimtise, Optimise, Opimise.

Create Localised Content.

PPC – Pay Per Click Advertising.

Reviews, Reviews, Reviews.

Create Your Own Google Business Page.

Connect With Your Local Community.

Ensure Your NAP details are Up To Date.

Add Location Pages.

Ensure Your Website Is Mobile Friendly.

Get Inbound Links To Your Website.

Perform A Local SEO Audit.

Search Engine Optimisation

Suggested Post: How Outbound Links Improve Your SEO? – External link SEO Benefits

1. Optimise, Optimise, Optimise!

Google Local Searches

Ensure your website is fully optimized so that your business can dominate local searches. Search terms such as “general builder Blackpool” and “builders near me” will be considered local searches. Google prioritizes local listings and places them at the top of search engine results.

We offer a complete Search Engine Optimisation service that will include full keyword analysis to ensure you are targetting the most valuable keyword phrases for your business and improve your website’s search engine rankings.

2. Create Localised Content

A great way to pick up website traffic from localized searches is by creating relevant, unique, and useful content about your area.

Create content around specific localized keyword terms that will target your audience on Google local searches, general builder is not the same as general builder Blackpool.

See what’s in the news and what’s affecting your neighborhood and tap into that conversation with relevant content.

So when it comes to content, new articles, and postings, always think local.

3. PPC – Pay-Per-Click Local Advertising

Pay-per-click advertising using Google Adwords is one of the most effective forms of online advertising and a perfect way to target prospective customers on Google local searches.

Pay-per-click advertising, you only pay when someone clicks on your advert.

Set your budget, find great keywords, create catchy adverts, and you’re away. Google Adwords is not limited to text ads, another popular format is video ads. YouTube is owned by Google and is becoming the world’s largest search engine.

4. Reviews, Reviews Reviews!

Plan to get reviews On Google Local Searches

Reviews are a “must-have” and surveys have shown that around 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

Although you are not allowed to offer gifts in exchange for an excellent review there are ways to encourage users to add an all-important positive review on your business such as placing a Review Us button on your home page.

5. Create Your Own Google Business Page Dominate Google Local Searches

Google My Business is offered free, always appears at the top of local searches, and is an easy-to-use tool for local businesses. You can try it to manage your online business presence across Google. Using this platform is a must for all businesses, especially local ones.

Sign up for a free Gmail account and you can automatically set up a Google page.

This is a great option for listing all your business details and will help optimize your website.

Google business pages are intertwined with Google Maps so when someone is looking for your type of business you must be found easily with all the relevant information and images to showcase your business.

6. Dominate Google Local Searches can Connect With Your Local Community

There are many opportunities to build a strong local presence online such as hosting events, connecting with complementary businesses, or sponsoring a local sports team.

Recommendations go a long way and help build trust in local communities.

7. Ensure Your NAP Details Are Up-To-Date And Consistent Online

Your NAP details (Name, address, and phone number) must be consistent online. The search engines may find it confusing if you show your address is typed in different formats on your website, directories, and social media.

Ensure your address is always shown in the same way; this also applies to your business name and contact phone numbers. Discrepancies in your NAP listings may cause your business to drop in search engine listings and lose out on valuable inquiries and sales.

8. Dominate Google Local Searches Add Location Pages

Google Local Searches

If your business has more than one location, create location pages for each one that show all the relevant information including the address, contact telephone numbers, and emails for each location.

9. Ensure Your Website is Mobile Friendly

Local searches on mobile devices are part and parcel of how users search for local businesses, products, and services.

Ensuring your website can be viewed correctly on all mobile devices is very important. Users carrying out “near me” searches have increased by over 260% in the last 5 years.

Quality and relevant links to your website are a major SEO ranking factor used by Google as it sends a message to them that you are a bonafide business.

Getting quality inbound links can be achieved by way of sponsorships, partnerships, and guest blogging.

Free SEO Audit

11. Perform A Local SEO Audit to Dominate Google Local Searches

Once you think you have your website optimized the best you can, it´s time to perform a local SEO audit to find out if your efforts have been worthwhile.

A good SEO audit will point out all the areas your site could improve, remember SEO is an ongoing and intuitive process so there will always be ways to improve your local search engine rankings.

Several well-known websites will perform SEO audits and provide you with information on all the different areas that affect search engine rankings.

You could,, however, leave it all to us and use our popular Free Audit Service. We will scan your site using some of the best design and marketing tools available to see how optimized your website’s pages are.

You can try our new Free custom Report that will offer advice on optimizing your website using important factors that are the basis of the SEO process.

Once the report is created we will email it to you completely free of charge and will be on hand to offer further advice and assistance if required.



Digital Transformation Consultancy is a digital marketing, web design, and SEO agency.

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