Angular has been quite popular since its introduction and has seen remarkable growth. It is a framework recommended for developing dynamic web apps. Angular’s MVC engineering helps the system connect and attach the Model and the View, as all changes happen in real-time. One can use a template language like HTML and extend its syntax to demonstrate your applications in a crystal manner. Angular JS requires the support of User Interface and HTML to design the UI. To enhance better performance in the first Angular, the birth of Angular 2 happened. And that’s why you can see some significant difference in Angularjs vs angular, below:
AngularJS compelling facts you need to know
The design of Angular JS was to eliminate the tedious and lengthy process of writing codes.
The framework makes an excellent counterpart for developing high performing SPAs.
It’s a framework that aids parallel development as it comes with an in-built grid, enabling a developer to perform many operations in an organized way.
It reinforces an impeccable real-time app testing, with its great designed mockups that provide default services, including timeout. Due to that, it gives assurance of no possible bugs.
The framework size can fit a wide range of applications.
AngularJS has reasonable developer control.
It has a fantastic feature that helps access the model data, known as the Automatic Dirty Checking.
It is a framework known to handle a multiplex of web app development.
The Dependency Injection feature guarantees a flawless workflow. It also mitigates the testing process, which sees a less load time.
Since the framework is so popular, it has significant and active community support.
The applications developed by this framework run well on popular platforms like Android, iOS, and many more.
A developer does not need to waste time rewriting the code when he wants to develop a new app. All he needs is to copy and paste the system to the app he is making.
It’s paramount to use the correct ng directive in this framework.
As AngularJS configures using Srouteprovider.when (), Angular routes with @RouteConfig {()}.
Since Google introduced the Angular framework, it gives developers the confidence to know they will get excellent support. They intended the structure to scale in building software products, which it does well.
16. Initially, the Angular JS framework was aimed to benefit designers, which the developer-targeted more than a developer. Even after a few evolutions in design adjustment, it still did not fulfill the developer’s need.
17. AngularJS decreased the time it took in development by implementing a two-way binding. During the client-side processing, it took more time to load.
18. Angular 4 remains the fastest framework in all other Angular structures.
Angular vs Angularjs fascinating facts you need to know
A noticeable significant difference between Angular and Angular JS is the language used in writing them. The writing language in Angular is JavaScript, while in Angular JS is TypeScript.
It is a front-end platform that facilitates web development while operating in the JavaScript framework. That also means the client-side of the application.
It is a framework with a robust variety of components that simplifies using code and art of writing.
To match with other performing frameworks like ReactJS, Angular advanced to using TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript. It has helped Angular to be more popular because of its ease of use.
Best suited for large-scale projects that are done by experienced developers.
A developer can add Angular elements to other projects built with different platforms such as Polymer and React.
It is a framework that has Google support, which influences most software developers.
As per the 2018 Stack Overflow Survey, Angular was ranking second as the most used technology.
It supports an offline compilation and faster change detection, a dynamic loading which all contributes to high performance.
The three directives it supports are; component directives, template directives, and decorator directives.
The Binding data in a DOM element is accessible because you only need to wrap it in a bracket, as shown below.
12. You can only use the components and directives in the Angular framework, while you get Model-View-Controllers in Angular JS. There is a notable difference between Angular vs. AngularJS.
13. A variety of browser support of this platform includes Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Android 4.1, and IE 9, 10, 11.
14. As the components are decoupled from each other, they can easily get replaced. And any updates or maintenance becomes effortless.
15. The encapsulation gives the newcomers an easy reading when working on their projects.
16. Angular supports a wide range of third-party integrations that you can quickly add with ease.
17. It is a framework built to be customizable, so the developers can enjoy working with it.
Angular JS: Advantages
The HTML declarative language used in AngularJS makes the framework more intuitive.
It has an MVC structure that enables the framework to have faster development.
It’s a framework that comes with ready unit testing.
It is an independent framework that does not need additional plugins; neither does it depend on other structures. That makes it ideal for front-end development.
AngularJS apps can run on other significant programs and high cells that include Android and iOS.
Angular JS: Disadvantages
Implementation of AngularJS is not a walk in the park, especially when you come from other frameworks.
If a user disables JavaScript either by mistake or otherwise, he cannot use the framework without it.
In case the watchers exceed 200, the UI is affected by the lagging.
The newcomers may find the framework complicated due to how it operates the same things in different ways.
When building an app, you may encounter debugging, which is critical and challenging to do. As a newcomer in this framework, the scope used, and its value that needs debugging might be confusing.
Angular: Advantages
As this framework is mobile-oriented, it is more compatible with most big platforms.
It will spoil the user with a variety of languages for writing codes that include TypeScript, Darts, ES5, and ES6.
While using TypeScript, a user can make use of the OOPS concept to do code optimization. A user can benefit from a more straightforward routing with this framework.
Users can enjoy a faster development process with an Angular framework.
Angular is the best framework to choose if you are working for a single-page web application using an extended interface.
Writing tests have ever seemed so easy while using Angular.
A developer will be able to build massive applications with the help of the TypeScript language.
There is a less generation code in AOT mode, due to an improved feature of View Engine.
Angular: Disadvantages
The set-up process is a bit complicated when compared with Angular JS.
The framework can be inefficient if you are working for smaller projects.
Most people have complained about the framework’s learning curve that they find it to be a bit steep.
Knowing how essential SEO is, this framework can disappoint you for it has poor accessibility that prevents search engines from crawling.
The migration process from the first Angular to the latest is feared to be a bit complex.
Now, as you look at the details above, we can see the usefulness of both frameworks. Despite Angular being the first developed framework, it still has some significant advantages like those shown above that favor developers. However, it’s only prudent to choose a more advanced structure with added and enhanced features. Angular, in general, makes work more efficient.
In conclusion about angular vs Angularjs
if you have a large-scale project with a high level of complexity, Angular will be your best bet. Most skilled developers and professionals prefer to use this framework to create dynamic web applications. Some of the giant companies already using the Angular to sort complex projects include Google Cloud and YouTube TV. Comparing Angular vs AngularJS, the better structuring of Angular has made it possible to build larger apps than its counterpart.
Naman Modi is a Professional Blogger, SEO Expert & Guest blogger at, He is an Award Winning Freelancer & Web Entrepreneur helping new entrepreneur’s launches their first successful online business
2 Replies to “Interesting Facts About Angular vs. AngularJS”
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Hey Naman. Great article, thanks for sharing us your knowledge and ideas with us, I am not an technical expert but your blog is written in such a way that any layman can understand the terms easily,also completely agree with all your points, keep up the good work.
A great blog that have meaningful and insightful comments are more enjoyable, at least to me. Thanks for sharing such great information. It is really helpful to me. Keep sharing!. your articles are very good, thanks
Hey Naman.
Great article, thanks for sharing us your knowledge and ideas with us, I am not an technical expert but your blog is written in such a way that any layman can understand the terms easily,also completely agree with all your points, keep up the good work.