
Sites That Provide Best Tutorials For Web Development

There are many sites on the internet which provide complete tutorials about web development. One can learn quickly by using free online...

web development

There are many sites on the internet which provide complete tutorials about web development. One can learn quickly by using free online sites. There are tons of sites which offer web development tutorials for free, but sometimes it gets difficult to find what we are looking for. Once I too was a beginner in the field of web development and from which institute I was learning they didn’t teach me well, so I decided that I will learn the web skills own my own. Then instead of wasting my money on learning from institutes, adopted a habit of learning online. So I will share all the sites which I used to learn basic as well as advanced web development. These sites may not help you to use WordPress, but these can help you to learn to code.

Here is the List of Web development Sites:

  1. W3schools.com:

    The first ever Web development sites that come to the mind of any web developer is w3schools.com. I have been using this site for the last five years. Here you can learn the basics of web development, but it doesn’t provide the tutorials about the designing of the sites. The languages which you can learn here are Html, CSS, JavaScript, Jquery, AngularJS, Ajax, JSON, Html graphics, server-side languages like SQL, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET and XML tutorial’s etc.   Visit W3Schools.com

  2. The New Boston:

    I learned many new things from this site and is still learning. I must say that the site is awesome and tutorials are awesome too. The tutorials provided by them are not about coding or programming but also about design. You can learn here designing and programming both. The main reason I use this site is that they provide video tutorials which makes learning much easier. You can learn all the Adobe software’s like Dreamweaver, flashes, Photoshop CS All, premieres, and programming languages like PHP, C, and C #, C++, Java, Python, and Ruby.   Visit Thenewboston.com

  3. Code Academy:

    I won’t say that I use this site for learning to program, but some of my friends say that the Code Academy is one of the best and they have learned all their development skills from there only. You can learn too if this site proves helpful to you. Same as other sites you can learn SQL, Java, PHP, Python, and Ruby.   Visit Codeacademy.com

  4. Lynda.com:

    One of the biggest site that provides awesome video tutorials for learning about almost everything. I use this site for learning photography and web development, but the only thing is that the website is paid. You can get can a seven day trial for downloading the video tutorials from their site. There is no replacement for this site on the internet, the site itself is best. Their courses are about developing, designing, Web, Photography, Education, 3D + Animations, Videos and Video + Music etc.   Visit Lynda.com

  5. Google:

    Google besides a search engine is an online site. Whenever I have to get a piece of instant information I use Google. However, Google is the best search engine (site) to learn about different sites which help us to learn about web development or anything. I wouldn’t have added google to my list, but without Google, I wonder how the web would have been.

  6. Code labs:

    CodeLabs is a free online platform for delivering and supported by GreyCampus for learning and practicing programming. It has interactive resources like videos, assignments, applications, examples, projects and many more for efficient learning experiences. It also has browser driven live programming labs for each programming language to facilitate learning by practicing. CodeLab provides a guided hands-on coding knowledge and is suitable for anyone who is interested in learning a new programming language. It covers beginner level concepts of PHP, Python, Ruby, JavaScript and many more. These languages can be learned quickly as the platform is easy and convenient to access. Visit Codelabs


How to develop a website using Bootstrap?

Hope this article of mine helps you to learn web development easily.

Written by Robin Khokhar
Robin Khokhar is an SEO specialist who mostly writes on SEO. Thus sharing tips and tricks related to SEO, WordPress, blogging, and digital marketing, and related topics.

8 Replies to “Sites That Provide Best Tutorials For Web Development”

  1. Great list of sites to learn web development at free of cost. This is really very handy to all who want to learn web development. Learning web development through online tutorial sites is a nice way to learn it.

  2. I learn many things about the web development from the tutorial website, you can say that the tutorials helps the beginners to convert into expert web developer.

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