Top 9 Use Cases of Artificial Intelligence for Industries In 2024


The impact of Artificial Intelligence is becoming the dominant focal point with each conceivable development. Innovation is changing practically all industries, including banking and finance, medical services, car, telecom, assembling, security and military, media, schooling, and so forth. AI-based solutions are a choice for companies that want to progress in the world.

According to, the Global Artificial Intelligence Market was valued to be worth USD 129.28 billion in 2022. From 2024 to 2032, it is estimated to reach USD 2967.51 billion growing at a CAGR of 36.8%.

The sub-spaces of Artificial Intelligence, for example, Machine Learning, Natural language processing, data analytics, and image processing, are additionally carrying out productive use cases in different areas. Plus, AI solutions are filling the business gaps by offering start-to-finish digitization processes.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) services have been on the ascent for quite a while. It’s not just making people more proficient; it’s additionally altering the manner in which we carry on with work. As a matter of fact, starting around 2021, 86% of CEOs note that AI is a backbone in their workplaces. From foreseeing user conduct to diminishing data transfer, it’s becoming crucial in uncommon ways.

This scarcely comes as a shock, taking into account that, with AI systems, you can settle on choices a lot quicker and more precisely than previously. Keeping in mind that utilizing it is as yet a somewhat new idea, it now has various business applications.

In this article, we will discuss the 9 top use cases of AI for diverse businesses and industries in 2024.

Top 9 use cases of AI for Industries in 2024

Artificial Intelligence can be extended, adjusted, and applied basically to a lot of business tasks. In this digital era, AI is an essential implementation region. Numerous tech monsters like Microsoft, Google, and Apple are vigorously putting resources into AI applications. This moving innovation isn’t restricted to those organizations. Every business is in plans to modernize with Artificial Intelligence solutions.

1. Smart Surgery Robots:

  • Other than filling in for human specialists, robot specialists can really improve as a rule. Medical procedure techniques require the most extreme persistence and accuracy, and the expertise of clinical specialists doesn’t waver in any event when they work immediately for quite a long time.
  • Hence, intelligent robots in medical procedures can additionally assist the surgeon with accomplishing a higher degree of accuracy in any kind of operation.

2. Artificial Intelligence in Marketing:

  • To work on functional proficiency while expanding client experience, numerous associations and advertising groups are quickly embracing savvy innovations like Artificial Intelligence development.
  • With AI, advertisers can obtain a more insightful understanding of their targeted shoppers. The information acquired can then be used to bring changes while likewise reducing the burden on marketing manually.

3. Telecom Effectiveness:

  • One of the quickly developing areas, telecommunications utilizes Artificial Intelligence solutions to upgrade network availability, further develop user experience, and provide prescient support.
  • Furthermore, telecom organizations have AI-based solutions to take out applicable business bits of knowledge from a lot of information assembled from different sources. These data bits of the consumer permit them to give better client experience, increment activities, and improve the general profitability of the business.

4. Client Service and Support:

  • AI services power recommendation capacities, which use client data and prescient examination to recommend products that customers are probably going to need and accordingly purchase.
  • Smart solutions can assist employees with better serving clients, as well as attracting examinations like the ones utilized in chatbots and recommendation engines to give employees ideas as they keep an eye on the customers.

5. Fraud Detection in Finance:

  • Banking and monetary institutions are profoundly inclined to fraud exchanges. Tragically, human workers can’t monitor every one of the exchanges and psyche out malevolent activities or dubious installments.
  • Be that as it may, AI systems can examine large amounts of data progressively and identify dubious or plain-right false exchanges, eliminating numerous deceitful cases of fraud in the financial business.

6. Personalized Schooling:

  • Artificial intelligence can fit illustrations and learning techniques for all students. It serves students with various abilities, considers the data gaps, and gives customized learning suggestions, expanding the proficiency of every student.
  • The conventional methodology is a one-size-fits-all technique, and it can cause serious information and learning gaps. AI experts develop solutions that customize instructions for each student and recognize the most productive learning examples to which every student can effectively respond.

7. Smart Supply Chains:

  • Associations across ventures are utilizing Artificial Intelligence developers to further improve the management of their supply chains. They’re utilizing AI to figure out what will be required and when as well as the ideal chance to move the material.
  • In this use case, AI assists business pioneers with making more proficient, savvy supply chains by limiting and even perhaps eliminating overloading and the gamble of running almost out of sought-after products.

8. Contextual Understanding:

  • Organizations likewise utilize AI for contextual comprehension. Linden highlighted the insurance industry’s utilization of observing advances to offer safe driving limits as a valid example.
  • AI-based solutions are utilized in handling information about driving behavior to anticipate whether it is low or high risk. For instance, traveling 65 miles each hour is protected on an expressway, however, not through a metropolitan area; insight is expected to comprehend and report when and where quick driving is satisfactory or not.

9. Financial Management:

  • Regular activities like recording information, classifying exchanges, accommodating records, entering and relating information from filtered receipts and payments to vendors, assessing labor cost reports, and monitoring pricing changes are only a couple of things that take up a great deal of bookkeepers’ time.
  • Artificial intelligence offered by a software development company can help these companies better than humans. Employees are also saved from mental over-burden and can zero in on their work on other important activities.


Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning offered by an enterprise software development company have transformed how businesses used to operate. From all types of IT activities to sales, carrying out AI in business conditions eliminates time spent on dreary tasks, further develops employee efficiency, and upgrades the general user experience for every industry. It likewise eliminates errors and delivers accurate results as and when needed.


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Shardul Bhatt

Shardul Bhatt

Shardul stands as the CEO of BoTree Technologies, a leading Software Development Company, Mobile app & IoT solution company.

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