Digital, Digital Marketing, SEO

Top 5 Link Building Methods For Digital Marketers

Are you looking for creative and new ways to build higher-quality links to your content? SEO has several challenging aspects, and link...

Top 5 Link Building Methods For Digital Marketers

Are you looking for creative and new ways to build higher-quality links to your content? SEO has several challenging aspects, and link building is one of them. However, if you can implement the right link-building strategies, it will greatly impact your ranking and credibility with different search engines.

Though some marketers doubt the relevance of quality link building, times have proven that backlinks are here to stay. You can verify this by typing any keyword into the Keyword Explorer of Ahrefs and checking the top 10 highest-ranked pages.

This post will walk you through five of the best link-building methods capable of adding lots of high-quality links to your site in no time. So if you want to bring in more traffic, range higher, and get better quality leads, continue reading.

Broken Link Building

Broken links affect the SEO of your site, and you want to remove them because site visitors will also have a poor user experience. Usually, you can rectify this by bringing your broken links to the attention of a webmaster. They will replace the old and broken links with new ones to your site. In the broken link-building process, you’ll have to replace links that take users to 404 pages with links to a target website.

Generally, this type of approach takes a lot of research and time. Hence, it’s best done using a broken link-building service with the experience and technical expertise required to get excellent results.

2. Strategic Guest Posting

Guest posting is one of the oldest ways of getting high-quality backlinks to your site. You’ll have to write a blog post that a third-party website will publish. It isn’t only the oldest but also very effective since it’s a strategy that builds relationships between sites. Apart from that, it also helps increase exposure, credibility, and site authority.

To leverage guest posting, you’ll first need to produce unique and quality content that interests other websites. The kind of content others would like to feature on their websites. Therefore, it requires some research and planning. Then, you also need to pay attention to the publishing sites’ content guidelines and ensure that your guest posts meet their criteria.

A more straightforward approach to link building is simply asking others to link back to your site, called link outreach. In a link outreach, you’ll search within your niche and identify other blogs and websites with topics similar to your website. Next, you’ll promote your website’s content by contacting the websites you identified for a backlink or content collaboration.

Usually, these requests are in the form of link outreach emails. Therefore, you’ll have to craft a strategic email, and this might be the challenging aspect of a link outreach. Ultimately, your message needs to be concise and emphasize value without pushing the apparent benefits you stand to gain.

4. Leverage Online Business Directories

Link Building Methods For Digital Marketers

Online directories called business directories or listings are perhaps the easiest and cost-free methods you can use to build valid links and increase traffic to your website. This is because they are widely trusted by users online. Also, these business directories are authoritative and high-ranking. By adding your site’s link to these high-authority sites, you’ll get better visibility and increase your site’s reach to more users.

This will, in turn, improve your site rankings. There are several online business directories that you can use. Some are general, and others offer local listings, niche listings, and business-specific listings. It takes a simple Google search to find the best directories on the web. Ideally, you want to focus on the directories relevant to your niche.

To get the right links, you must be ready to give first. More often than not, businesses get selfish and only link their posts to their website’s internal pages. But to help bring in more backlinks, it’s necessary to link to third-party blog posts, provided they are valuable. Link roundup will enable you to give attention and gain the attention of others.

In a link roundup, you create a list of relevant blog posts from other websites and bloggers. This invokes the principle of reciprocity, which the Massachusetts Institute of Technology determined in a recent study to be a useful tool for persuasion. Therefore, it is an effective way to build links after showing some kindness; it’s all about “give and take.” 


Link building is no easy task. However, it isn’t impossible, particularly if you can focus your resources on the right methods. Some marketers ignore it because of the amount of work and time required to generate any real value. But it is crucial for better search rankings and anything invested will bring in some returns.

Each of these five link-building strategies outlined in this article will help you grow your backlinks and replace the broken links to your site. And always remember, the digital marketing world is fast-paced and ever-changing. Therefore, your strategies will also need to evolve constantly.


A Complete Guide to Learn SEO.

3 Ways to Scale Link Building with Project Management.

Written by Robin Khokhar
Robin Khokhar is an SEO specialist who mostly writes on SEO. Thus sharing tips and tricks related to SEO, WordPress, blogging, and digital marketing, and related topics.

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