Design, Digital, Learning

Absolute Digital Media Explains What To Consider When Redesign Your Website

Tasking the time to make sure that your website design is right the first time is important as this can have a...

redesign your website

Tasking the time to make sure that your website design is right the first time is important as this can have a huge impact on your business as a whole. But with so many elements to consider, it can be challenging. In this article, we will be providing you with some top tips to redesign your website in the near future.

Check Out The Competition

When looking to redesign your website, it is important to begin by looking at the competition. This can give you a starting point to begin redesigning your website as it enables you to make sure that you have everything that you need to begin detecting the issues within your website. By making notes and looking at where your website differs from your competitors, you can begin to implement these changes. By looking at your three main competitors and the way that your website differs, you can begin to make a clear plan.  

Set Yourself Smart Goals 

When you have begun to acknowledge the changes that need to be made to your website, you are then able to set smart goals. You should then base these changes on how they will enable you to meet these smart goals without overspending. Smart goals can be something as small as an increase in visitors or something much more specific such as getting visitors to sign up for a newsletter, the tracking code can be implemented within Google Analytics to help you make sure you are meeting every smart goal you have set. 

Assess The Current Website 

Assessing the current website is also a great way to get the most out of the new website that you are looking to redesign. By looking at whether there are sections that you can improve and those that you want to completely redesign, can benefit you in the long term as it can shorten the timeline for your design process. Whether you decide to make a few subtle changes or you decide to completely redesign the whole website, it is important to make sure that you look at some of the elements that you can place within your website. 

Get As Much Data On Your Target Audience As Possible 

Another way that you can ensure your website is designed to be completely optimized is to get as much data on your target audience as possible. By looking at the age of your target audience as well as what they are looking for from your company, you can design a website that fulfills their needs. This data can be collected through Google Analytics tracking and can then be used to implement positive changes to your website. This information can be taken to all future design meetings, allowing you to create a website that works perfectly for your business. 

Consider How Changes Will be Implemented 

When you have begun to draw up some of these changes and outline the timeline, it is then time to consider how these changes will be implemented. These changes can be implemented either in-house or through a website design agency with their level of expertise. This can benefit you greatly when it comes to staying on your own timeline as this will ensure you are on track to make sure that you meet your deadlines on time and have a successful launch. Though this will take time, it can benefit you in the long term and ensure the changes are implemented correctly. 

Choose The Right Platform 

When redesigning your website, it is the perfect time to choose the right platform for your website. Whether you design it on Wix or you make use of WordPress for CMS and website design, the right web sorting service can make all the difference and benefit you in the long term. With some offering more perks than others, there are several elements that you need to consider before you choose your CMS and web development software for your new website. You should also contact others in your industry to see who they have used in the past and who will benefit you greatly. 

Define Your Brand With Absolute Digital Media 

When you have laid the groundwork to make your perfect website it is time to define your brand. Redesigning the label can be a time-consuming process. However, the team at Absolute Digital Media can help. By taking the time to design your logo down to the smallest detail, you are creating a logo that will define your brand. Even if you do not have the slogan underneath, this can define your brand in the long term and make it as recognizable as other brands such as Nike and Starbucks. This will define your brand and secure the longevity of your logo. 

Colour Theme Is Essential 

When you have created the logo, it is important to make sure that the color theme fits the brand. Whether it is a green and brown theme for an eco-sustainable company or bright colors for a printing agency, the color theme can make or break your company. Though it can take time, you can benefit your business in the long term and can ensure that you have the color theme that perfectly reflects your company and is enough to help you stand out without being overpowering in any way and being distracting to your customers. 

Consider The Typography 

The color scheme for your business should also consider the color of the typography. Keeping the typography in simple black coloring will make sure that your customers can read it when they visit every page of the website. Along with this, it is important to make sure that you consider the font style, this should be kept as simple as possible to allow your audience to read it with ease. The font should be the same throughout the entire website and should be kept at the same size to ensure that the website looks as uniform as possible. 

Give Your Content An Overhaul

Creating content is a great way of boosting the visibility of your business, however, it is important to consider the effect that negative content could have on your website. Though it may seem tempting to get rid of all your old content, giving the content on your website an overhaul will help to improve the rankings and provide your customers with content that is relevant for them. By making sure that the topics are relevant, you are able to better your rankings and improve your E.A.T score with content that is not only relevant but informative. 

Think Outside Of The Box 

Though it may seem tempting to take inspiration from others, it is important to make sure that you think outside of the box. Whether this is the animations on the website or the images that you are using, it is important to ensure that you are giving them the creative edge. This will benefit you in the long term as you are able to make sure that your business stands out from the rest whilst improving the bounce rate. The nicer the website looks, the more likely they are to make the business stand out from the rest. 

With this in mind, there are several ways that you can benefit your business when it comes to redesigning your website without spending a small fortune. Where will you be starting with your website design?


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Written by Robin Khokhar
Robin Khokhar is an SEO specialist who mostly writes on SEO. Thus sharing tips and tricks related to SEO, WordPress, blogging, and digital marketing, and related topics.

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