Google Updates

How Bert Effects SEO and How Can you Optimize for it?

There is a new kid on the block known as Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers, also short for “Bert.”...

How to Protect Your Online Business from Google Updates?

Have you ever noticed a sudden drop in your site traffic? Which though seemingly random at first, one Google...

Jul 17 · 4 min read >

A Quick Look at The Major Google Algorithm Updates Throughout The Years

Someone called it a cat and mouse game, and it is. Website designers and SEO experts keep on devising...

Mar 12 · 2 min read >

What you all need to know about Google RankBrain?

Rankbrain (part of Hummingbird algorithm) is said to be the third most important ranking factor in the Google. The...

Apr 11 · 4 min read >